
2008 New Year Holiday in Aruba

This year, we flew to Aruba on the day after Christmas 2007 and stayed till January 6, 2008. 
The vacation was great as usual, but the return flight was harrowing. 
Read on to find out what happened

We could not obtain a direct flight to Aruba, and expected two long layovers in San Juan.
On the way to Aruba, the duration would be 6 hours.  On the way back, the layover was
12 hours.  On the first layover, we exited the airport and explored San Juan.
Here we are having lunch at a local restaurant in the city.

We had fun with the balloon 'hats'/

On our first night there, we had dinner at the Little Ceaser's in Aruba.  The view from the balcony was amazing.
Unfortunately, we did not shoot a picture of the city, but we had a great time together.

Stephanie shot this photo with her new camera of Oma's garden at her house.  We had lots of rain, and the weather was not very hot.
About high 70s every day with lots of wind.

This plant produces beautiful flowers with edible berries.  A double treat.

Every year, the show at 'E Casita' gets bigger and better.  This year, it is a look back at the history of Aruba.  One can
see the 'Lago' on the oil tank in the background with the crest of Aruba.

The view from Ah Mah's house on the hill.  On a clear day, one can see Venezuela.  Scroll that way --->.

Stephanie lit the big 100,000 shot 'Pagara' as she did last year. Bang!

Uncle Edwin has a three wheeled 'rickshaw' bicycle, and the kids had fun with it when we visited them one day.

Stephanie took this picture from Royal Plaza.  We prefer to call this mall 'Pink Town' for obvious reasons.

We of course did lots of swimming at the Aruba Beach Club.

Level up

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(c) Edward Cheung 2008, all rights reserved.