for HP Logic Analyzers
In August 2009, I made an adapter to
easily connect my logic analyzer to the
address, data, and control lines of the
CPU chip. It allows complete access
to the operation of the CPU board
core. This board is a modification
of the 68B09
adapter from the WPC project.
Adapter board in operation on a System
11 board. This allows me to
accurately trace the program execution
and better find what is wrong
with a board.
Typical view of Logic Analyzer connected
to a CPU chip. The last two lines
are spare signals that the user can clip
to the board (blue clip in image above).
August 2025
Edit. In using the above adapter
over the years, I have come to want a
means to keep track of the number of
instructions since the release of
Reset. I realized that the
CD4020 is commonly available and is a
12-bit counter in a 14-pin chip.
By cascading two of them, I can
measure the time since release of
reset in 4usec resolution, and track
periods as long as 32 seconds since
Add-on board for the 6802 breakout
A 23-bit counter to keep track of
The board above
shows the add-on, and two Logic
Analyzer pods plug into it.
There are four wires that connect
this to the 6802 adapter: Power,
Return, Reset and E-clk. By
displaying the Count along side
the Bus Address and Data, I can
track where along the boot and run
process the processor is.
Logic Analyzer in state mode shows
"COUNT", which
allows me to tell the amount of time
since Reset.
Logic Analyzer Adapter
for 16 pin DIPs
I had some small amount of space
leftover on the above circuit board
for the Logic Analyzer, so I added two
smaller boards. One is shown
here, and allows a LA pad to monitor
all 16 lines of a 16-pin DIP IC.
This adapter allows a
straight-through connection of a 16
pin DIP and provides a
tap for a LA pod. All 16 pins
of the DIP can be easily accessed.
LA screen display with an example
board setup with the Logic Analyzer
What is better than a CPU board being
observed by a Logic Analyzer?
Why two boards of course.
After 10 years of repairing
boards, I have encountered one or two
that pass all tests on the individual
components, but still do not boot and
run. I needed a brute force way
of finding the problem, and imagined a
setup where a good reference board was
compared step-by-step with the bad
board. The setup below shows
this configuration.
Twin boards on the Logic Analyzer
to find why one does not work.
crystal oscillator and reset circuit
from the master board is used on the
slave board by removing selected
components from the power up reset
circuit and the crystal oscillator.
They are passed by a three
wire bridge shown as the grey cable
in the image above. This grey
cable plugs into the sound CPU
With this setup the two boards will
run precisely in sync and their data
and address busses will have
identical contents (using identical
copies of the game ROM of course)
until the bad board deviates.
By inspecting the data and
address busses, we can see why the
bad board has failed.
snap of the Logic Analyzer for the
Siamese setup
above screen shows an example output
of the siamese setup. The first
box shows a write to ram location 0x9B
and 0x9C with the number 0x2100 (big
endian). The second box shows a
read from that same location, and we
see the same data coming out of RAM.
However, on a second read a few
clock cycles later, this data is now
0x9B82. After replacing the RAM
chip and seeing no difference, I
realized that the problem was with the
RAM power circuit. Indeed
repairing that issue fixes the bad
board. Success.
Logic Analyzer with a
System 3-7 System
I find the System 3-7 series harder to
debug as they have the simpler
diagnostics and the finicky interboard
connector. It occurred to me
that the entire bus is available on
the Driver Board, and that I could
solder in a set of Logic Analyzer pods
to debug any CPU board that fails to
boot or has problems.
Analyzer connected to the Driver
Board of a System 3-7.
I decided that ribbon cables
would be the neatest way to go and
soldered in a 40-wide strip to the
back of the Driver Board. The LA
adapters then plug into that and the
short stub of ribbon is out of the way
when not in use.
Logic Analyzer display during a
generic read/write interval.
From the above screen we can catch a
write from the CPU (at the "X" marker)
to address 0x3002. We can see
that the waveforms are consistent with
the writes/reads occurring at the
falling edge of the Phase 2 clock and
agrees with the 6800 data sheet.
Using two pods (each 16 channels), I
have four spare inputs left over.
These can be used by monitoring
other signals so that I can better
diagnose problems. For example,
on one System 3 board, I can tell that
an intended write with the data "0xff"
actually shows up as an "0xe" on the
databus. By hooking one of the
spares to the output of the PIC68
CPU emulator, I can see that the
problem is in the 8T28 bus transceiver
PIA focused Logic
Analyzer adapter
There are times when I need to know
why a particular PIA is showing a
malfunction. Unfortunately, they
have three chip selects and that makes
it tricky to know exactly when it is
being addressed. It is for
example not easy to use a scope to
trap a write or read. Even with
my CPU chip logic
analyzer adapter, as some of the
decoding and address lines to the PIA
could be broken. To address
this, I decided to make an adapter
specifically for the PIA, but to make
it more universal, I decided to build
it into a 40-pin IC test clip.
This allows me to check any PIA
even if it is original and soldered
into the board.
This is the IC test clip with the
ribbon cable to the Logic Analyzer
I purchased a 40-pin 0.6" wide test
clip on Ebay for about $12, and found
one that did not have mushroom caps on
the pins (pins protruding were
straight shaft). This was
important so I could mate it to a row
of sockets and then soldered to the
exposed pins. This allows me to
pull the sockets off and reuse the
clip with a different set of cables.
One of the 16 inputs is leftover as a
spare, and that is connected to the
minigrabber shown above. This
allows me to monitor an output pin or
the IRQ, and be able to trigger on it.
This way I can catch writes to
an IO port or other similar activity.
Analyzer display with the PIA
The above display shows a sample run
with a working CPU board. At the
'X' marker, you can see CS go to '5'
(binary '101'), which is the correct
configuration for Chip Select to
address the PIA. At that moment,
the R/W line is low, showing a write.
The RS lines show the register
selected in the PIA (0). The
databus contents is 0xFF (DATABS
line). So this is a write by the
CPU into register 0 with the data
0xff. You can see that shortly
after the falling edge of the E clock,
the Data and control lines change,
marking the point where the CPU is
doing the next bus transaction.
System 9 RAM Break-Out Board
I was having some problems with a
non-volatile RAM chip and made an
adapter just for the System 9
RAM. Compatible part numbers for
this 2k x 8 low power memory chip are
and 8416.
Construction was simple as I soldered
in a 24 pin socket, and then some
double ended pins to the bottom.
System 9 Break-Out Board.
Allows two pods to monitor all the
Combined CPU and RAM Break-out
Boards in use. Yellow dashed
box is the RAM,
Blue is
CPU, Red is
the counter add-on board.
Other uses of the Logic
Analyzer with a CPU board
The Logic Analyzer can also be
directed plugged into
the CPU board to investigate the
commands sent to the sound board.
The board at the bottom of this
image is explained below.
Interconnection with sound board (click
for big image).
The above diagram shows how the System 11
Sound board connects to the test setup.
Both the D-11581 and the D-11298 sound
boards interconnect with the same harness
Power 'Tee' for the sound board
I made a special 'Tee' cable to provide a
power tap for the sound board. It is
shown in the photo above, partially
demated to show the construction.
The top colored ribbon goes to my
CPU tester, while the grey is to the sound
board. The black plastic is a double
male (board type) connector that allows
the top connector to plug into the top of
the middle one.
1J21 command simulator with a Jokerz
sound board.
The 1J21 connector on the CPU board sends
sound/music commands to the external sound
board, and I built a small command
generator (shown above) to be able to test
without a CPU board. All that is
needed is the conventional 5/12/-12V
supply. With the logic analyzer, I
can see the byte sequence to send, and the
board can be completely tested with this
small fixture.
Schematic of sound board command
Just some switches and a pull up
resistor pack RP1.
is in the image below.
One issue with testing sound boards is
that quite often they require multiple AC
voltage sources that are stacked to form Center
outputs. For example, the
pre-DCS WPC audio board needs 24Vac that
is Center Tapped. Using the
discarded transformer from a large UPS, I
was able to put together a supply that
offers great flexibility.
Multi-output transformer from an old
UPS. My trusty variable
transformer (blue box) is in the
I know that one winding of this
transformer was designed for 120Vac, so we
can use that as the primary. It was
now a question of what other winding
ratios this transformer had and if any are
in the useful range.
An important tool for this kind of
investigation is a variable tranformer
like the one you see in the image above
(blue box). It allows you to
gradually raise the line voltage for tests
like these.
I first started by measuring the
inductance of all the windings and using a
DVM to see which windings were isolated.
The primary needs to have an
inductance of at least several hundred mH.
This will keep the quiescent magnetizing
current down to reasonable levels.
Once that is determined, I applied
the output of the variable transformer to
this winding with a current meter in
series. I could see less than 10mA
of current flowed once I cranked the
voltage up to the full 120V (make sure all
output wires are not touching). Now
that the transformer could be safely
powered from line voltage, it is a simple
matter of measuring the output voltage and
phasing on all the other windings. I
then mounted a barrier strip to the
transformer and wired everything to it for
easy access. The 120V leads are
terminated with the white pair visible
above, which lead to a 120V power plug.
Incidentally, this power plug is
from a discarded Christmas lighting set
which has two integrated tiny fuses.
I then stacked the resulting five
windings to get me a variety of outputs
depending on which taps I used. I
know can have 20VCT (20Vac total, Center
Tapped), 16VCT, 56VCT, and many other
assymetric combinations. This will
come in very handy in future audio board
Test of System 7 sound board (Black
plasma display boards
Plasma display board being tested.
The above video shows a System 11A
alphanumeric display board being checked
out along with its associated power supply
board. The segment control lines for
both display rows have been jumpered to +5
(all segments lit), and I select one
column at a time by jumpering to one pin
at a time on J3 and J4. With my
variable transformer I am able to apply
the minimum of voltage to light the
display digit. Since I am not
strobbing, I wanted to make sure I did not
overstress the display by applying too
much power.
11 Display Data Tester
The System 11 displays have two rows.
The top row is alphanumeric, thus it
is able to display numbers as well as the
complete alphabet. The bottom row is
numeric only for 11A and B, but
alphanumeric for 11C. Each row is 16
digits wide, so a total of 2x16 of display
data. My desire for this tester is
to display a particular row and column to
isolate what is happening with the control
lines. This examination and use is
not convenient to do with the high-voltage
displays, and I thought it would be too
expensive to buy both types of LED
displays as diagnostic tools (about $300
each). I decided to make a single
digit alphanumeric display. I could
then use it to display the information in
a particular row and column of the larger
display data tester connected to a
System 11A board.
"HIGHEST SCORES" is being output by the
and the first two columns are displayed.
The columns are selected by the
blue/green jumpers.
I started the project by looking for an
inexpensive single digit alphanumeric LED
display, but found that it was cheaper to
buy them as twin digits. In looking
at the schematics, it was also clear that
the easiest thing to do would be to show
both the top and bottom digits of the
selected row(s). The user is able to
select which two columns of the 16 to
The image above shows the completed
tester. It connects to 1J22 and 1J3
for the segment information, and the two
columns selected for display is controlled
by connecting the blue and green jumpers
(connecting to 1J1 for the left 8 digits
and 1J2 for the right 8). It can
work for any System 11 board but it
requires the changing out of four of the
chips to go from 11AB to 11C. This
is due to the data difference between the
generations of boards. System 11C
board have all their segment data inverted
from the previous generations.
The video below shows the display
scrolling "HIGHEST SCORES".
Display Data Tester isolates the data
from two of the 16 columns of the
The flashing is because this video is
being played in slow motion.
Power Supply Boards
I also built a test setup for the System
9/11 power supply boards. They
include an AC multi-output transformer
(left) for feeding the low voltage
sections, and a connection to my variable
transformer for the high voltage circuits.
This latter arrangement allows me to
turn the input voltage up gradually
to prevent damage in case of a fault, and
allows me to check how well the board
regulates the output high voltage.
These plug into the unusual 3x4 pin
3J1 connector.
Part of the trickiest items to
troubleshoot on this power supply board is
the high voltage. It is a linear
regulator and fused by a tiny 1/4 Amp
fuse. Almost any kind of failure can
easily cause you to burn through many
fuses during a repair.
Using a resistor instead of the
high-voltage 1/4 Amp fuse.
I hit
on the idea of using a large resistor
for the fuse. This would offer a
way to limit the current during the
repair. A properly working high
voltage supply shows that it draws
around 20-25mA rms. Using a 1.5k
resistor would drop about 35Vac across
it. This would work fine as the
normal input voltage for the board is
90Vac, and my Variac can output from 0
to 125V. I soldered a 1.5k 1W
resistor across a blown fuse and that
allows me to easily insert and remove
it. At full idle current it
dissipates about 0.8W. Testing
shows this approach is a very good and
safe environment to test the
out the solenoid circuits for safe power
Due to the high power circuits they
contain, pinball machines can sometimes
require great care when powering up an
unknown machine or configuration.
One such situation is the solenoid
power. If a playfield switch is
shorted closed (along with possibly an
incorrect fuse), power could be enabled
continuously to a number of solenoids.
The result can be melted coils,
burned components, or even a fire. I
have repaired numerous boards that have
complete holes burned into them. I
have always thought that it would be good
to easily put in a way to checkout a newly
acquired machine. One way would be
to replace the solenoid circuit fuse (F2)
with another component that increases its
resistance if current through it is
increased. After some thinking about
it I realized that incandescent bulbs do
this, and I decided to try this idea.
Some background, with the original 2.5
Amp F2 in place, I measured about
0.27 Amps of standby current on solenoid
power. Actuating a pop bumper caused
4.2 Amps of steady state current.
Since the fuse is slow-blow, this
would have to persist a few seconds before
blowing it. I was able to keep the
coil on for two seconds without blowing
the fuse. The unloaded solenoid bus
measured 30.8V, and the pop bumper coil
measured 3.8 ohms on my testbench.
My first try was to check to see what I
had in storage and found that the #89 is
the highest voltage bulb I have. It
is rated for 13V and draws 0.58 Amps at
that voltage. This is a resistance
of 22.4 ohms at full brightness.
However, when cold I measured only
1.7 ohms. That is an increase of
better than 10x! Since the solenoid
voltage is about 30V on Space Shuttle, I
decided to use two #89s in series and
assembled the prototype with some
alligator clips. The
results show that the current
limiting effect was too strong and the pop
bumper would not pull in.
Test lamps in place of F2.
For my second try, I purchased a #315
bulb. It is rated for 28V, and
25W, allowing a current of almost one
Amp. Cold resistance is about 2
ohms. That worked better as can be
seen in
this video. When in use make
sure that the bulb glows dimly with no
solenoids activated (no shorts), and that
the coil pulls in weakly when activated
(no shorted coils or backwards
diodes). It is also a positive sign
if you can manually move the coil and it
stays latched. This system should
work for board sets that use 30V solenoid
power such as System 7 and later.
Some early System 3-7 CPU boards use 2532
ROMs. These are similar to 2732s
except for a slightly different pinout,
and were originally
by TI. My PROM programmer, the
S4, does not have an entry for the
2532, so I decided to make adapters to
program these ROMs. I used a
wire-wrap socket and a conventional socket
stacked on top of each other. This
is shown on the left in the image below.
I found that using the Toshiba
setting for the 2732 worked best on my
to allow a 2532 to be plugged into a
location for a 2732 (left)
and using a 2732 into a location meant
for the 2532 (right).
I was making the adapter anyway, I
decided to make the reverse adapter.
Namely one that allows the use
of a 2732 ROM in an application
requiring a 2532. That is shown
on the right above.
note on System 9 to 11 conversions
In July 2016, Joe George sent me his
findings on using a System 11 in a Space
my System 9 CPU Board quit working, I
converted a base System 11 board to
work in System 9 following the
instructions at the end of the System
9 Troubleshooting Guide I found
at http://gamearchive.askey.org/Pinball/Manufacturers/Williams/pdfs/pinball_troubleshooting_sys9.pdf.
It turns out though the memory map in
the manual is wrong. It implies that
the 4 2732 speech ROMs would be
stacked in order (U4, U5, U6, U7) into
a 27128 ROM for the System 11 Sound
ROM at U22. However, the memory map is
wrong, and for some reason the Space
Shuttle manual I have doesn’t include
a schematic for the speech board, so I
couldn’t tell that the conversion doc
was wrong.
I found
a Speech board schematic in the manual
for Sorcerer and it said the memory
address space was occupied by (in
order) U7, U5, U6, U4. I stacked the
4K speech ROM images I had from the
speech board in that order and
reburned a 27128 ROM, and my speech
works great now!
Test ROMs for System 3-7 In December 2019 I found this ROM set for
testing various Williams systems.
One set focuses on the System 3-7
series and consist of a set of about two
dozen ROM images. The original
intention was to burn a ROM for each test
and put that into the IC17 spot on the
board to run the test. I immediately
thought of building an adapter board with
DIP switches to select the test.
Reading further I saw that indeed someone
designed a board for this purpose.
This design accomodated up to 16
types of tests, but the author of the ROM
series had since increased the number of
tests to about two dozen, requiring an
upgrade to handle up to 32 tests.
The board design by 'barakandl' made me
wonder if a conventional perf board (with
predefined traces) could work reall well
and I decided to try and build a board.
Original design by barakandl shows many
horizontal connections. This
made me wonder if a perfboard with bars
would make the job easier.
Indeed all I needed to do was to cut two
of the bars (near top left)
and a standard perf board will do the
job. On the left are the
double ended male pins I use to build
adapter boards.
Board completed. The double ended
male pins are sticking up
out of the image and plug into some
extender sockets and then
into the System 3-6 board under test.
On the 'top' side of the board I mounted
a socket for the 27512 PROM
and the five DIP switch module to select
which of the 32 test pages
to use.
each original 2316 ROM was 2Kx8, and
we want to be able to accomodate up to
32 of these ROM images, we would need
a 64kx8 ROM, which happens to be the
27512. In looking through my
parts bins I saw I had all the parts,
and completed construction of the
above adapter in one evening.
I next had to obtain the image of the
PROM, and I downloaded the package
from the pincoder.ca
web site. The lowest slot or
"00000" of the combined ROM is meant
for the original IC17 image from
Williams but wide distribution of that
would probably violate copyright
rules, and is why it is not included
in the download. So I copied the
bytes over from an original ROM, and
combined it into the file from
pincoder. In the future, I will
make this available here via a link.
After correcting a small error in the
board, the combined test ROM worked
like a champ. On a known-good
System 3 board, I could boot into the
standard functions by setting the DIPs
to 00000, and then execute Test 1,
which is the LED alternate flash test.
Molex connectors that are used on
these boards are often difficult to
demate. I hit upon an idea to make a
handle to more easily pull them off
without damage. It is to drill two
small (1/16") holes on the ends, and
then use some stiff steel wire from a
small paperclip to create a handle.
Some care must be taken to not short
to the contact, but the circuit design
is such that they are robust to being
Photo of Molex connector with the
added handle.
Other CPU Testers
These are Ebay auction prices and
photos I have gathered over the
years on these testers. The
Williams factory appeared to have
made three kinds of board
testers. One for System 3-7,
the second for System 11 (and 9?),
and two WPC testers (WPC89 and
February 2006, this System 3-7
tester (6253871562)
Close-up of the control panel of
the above tester.
Feb 2006, this System 11 tester (6254290420)
was $366+70.
It looks home-made.
Close-up of the test panel.
Note lack of solenoid and lamp
matrix displays.
Feb 2006, this System 3-7 unit
was $474+shipping.
February 2007, this
WPC95 tester (110093911411) was
The I/O panel looks like it
includes a matrix of lamps
(similar to my tester),
and a matrix of
switches. One can also
see test lamps for solenoids
and other
Close-ups of the above WPC95
September 2007, this System
3-7 tester sold for an amazing
In March 2008, this System 3-7
tester sold for $515 (160213461303).
It is highly incomplete.
April 2008, this System 3-7
tester was $688 (130209246482).
June 2008,
this System 3-7 tester was
$236 (320258934586)
It was missing its boards
and the upright panel.
Sept '08, this System 11
tester sold for an amazing
$1435 (120300193798).
I am always amazed how much
these units sell for
compared to my tester.
Nov 2008,
this System 11 tester (110312219131) was $550.
July 2009,
this System 3-7 tester (140329614857) was $500+$50.
Oct 2009, this System 3-7
tester (250506825123) w/o
driver board
was $160 (IL pickup only).
Oct 2009, this WPC89 tester
(250506810477) was $635 (IL
pickup only).
In Dec 2009, this new WPC89
tester (320457377514) was an
amazing $3900.
In March 2010, this WPC-95
tester was $2600
April 2010: This System 3-7
was $560 (Ebay: 260579868990).
August 2016: This 3-7 tester
was $1400 (Ebay: 112108025438)
October 26, 2005 - Purchased first nonworking
CPU board for $40 + $10. Previously, I had
seen untested units on ebay in the range of $31
(burn damage) to $175 (clean).
November 7, 2005 - Initial checkout complete.
Board is mainly working. Only K1 still
missing (on order).
November 10, 2005 - Completed initial breadboard
concepts for CPU tester.
November 25, 2005 - Initial layout of circuit
board complete.
November 26, 2005 - Purchased a second
nonworking CPU board for $23+$14 on ebay.
When powered up, it passes CPU self-test, and lamp
matrix works fine. Further testing in the
December 01, 2005 - Arrival of the finished CPU
tester boards.
December 03, 2005 - Initial testing of the CPU
tester complete. Lamp matrix, switch matrix
and LCD interface operational.
December 11, 2005 - Software development of the
Microprocessor in progress.
December 26, 2005 - Software development mostly
complete. Kit is made available.
January 13, 2006 - Initial orders and parts are
in. Manual is half written. Assembly
of first round of units begins.
January 21, 2006 - Initial orders complete and
ready to ship.
February 1, 2006 - First use of tester to repair a CPU board.
February 19, 2006 - A nice endorsement
from Peter regarding the CPU tester.
February 20, 2006 - Auctions for
CPU testers on ebay.
March 14, 2006 - Due to popular demand, I built
a second batch of testers.
August 7, 2006 - First unit sells with BIN on
ebay for $500 (item #170016357842).
July 2, 2007 - Case #6
documented. Conversion to MOSFETs for
the high-side lamp matrix driver. This board
was bought on Ebay for $35 (+$15).
August 2009 - As of this date, I have
successfully repaired more than 50 System 9 and 11
boards. I am glad to say that despite the
varied challenges (battery leakage, burns, failed
parts, etc), I have not failed to repair a single
one. That is about one board per month since
August 2009 - Made adapter
board to easily connect Logic Analyzer to a
6802/6808 CPU chip.